- Week 1:
- Introduction to Music 175
- Sound:
- Sound: what is sound?
acoustics vs. psychoacoustics.
- Waves: time representation
of sound, sinusoids, partials/overtones, harmonics.
- Spectrum: frequency
representation of sound, fourier analysis, spectrograms,
- Pd patches:
- Reading: Cook, Chapter 4.
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
- Hearing in Time and Space
- Time and Space:
“cocktail party effect”, binaural masking, precedence effect, reverberation, localization.
- Reading: Cook, Chapter 8.
- Week 4:
- Hearing in Time and Space (cont.)
- Field trip: Audio Spatialization Lab (Spat Lab), Calit2
(cancelled, COVID 19).
- Quiz 1: Tuesday April 21, 2020 (last 45 mins of class)
- Student paper presentations Hearing in Time and Space
- studentname:
“A General Model for Spatial Processing of Sounds”
- sudentname:
“Comparative Study of European Concert Halls”
- studentname:
“Synchronization in Performed Ensemble Music”
- Week 5:
- Student paper presentations Hearing in Time and Space
- studentname:
“Monaural Detection of Phase Difference Between Clicks”
- studentname:
“The CIPIC HRTF Database”
- studentname:
“Discriminability of Time-Reversed Pairs of Clicks”
- studentname:
“The effects of neighborhood views containing multiple
environmental features on road traffic noise perception at
- Cognitive Psychology and Music
- Principles of perception:
unconscious inference vs. direct perception (Gibson), size and
loudness constancy, perceptual completion, gestalt grouping
- Reading: Cook, chapter 3
- Week 6:
- Timbre
- Timbre:
average spectral shape, formants, missing harmonics, time variation.
- Reading: Cook chapter 7.
- Student paper presentations Timbre/Signal Discrimination
- studentname:
“Multidimensional Perceptual Scaling of Musical Timbres”
- studentname:
“Timbre Space as a Musical Control Structure”
- studentname:
“Discrimination of Transient Signals Having Identical Energy
- studentname:
“Squeezing speech into the deaf ear.”
- studentname:
“Auditory Illusions and Confusions”
- studentname:
“Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices”
- Week 7:
- Ambiguity in Music
- Auditory Streaming:
ambiguity, common fate, separation with apparent motion, Shepard
tones, tritone paradox
- Quiz 2: May 14, 2020 (Thursday, last 45 minutes)
- Reading: Cook chapter 10.
- Week 8:
- Pitch
- Pitch Perception:
place theory of pitch, repetition pitch, pitch paradox, jnd, mel scale
- Reading: Cook, chapter 5
- Student paper presentations Pitch (Perception)
- studentname:
“Periodicity and Pitch Perception.”
- studentname:
“Circularity in Judgments of Relative Pitch.”
- studentname:
“Octave Generalization and Tune Recognition.”
- studentname:
“The Tritone Paradox: Correlate with the Listener's Vocal Range for Speech”
- Week 9:
- Pitch cont.
- Pitch 2: jnd, mels scale, pitch spaces
- Consonance:
scales, periodicity, intervals, beating, Rameau and inversions,
pitch errors in scales, cents
- Reading: Cook chapter 13 and 14
- Student paper presentations Pitch (Consonance)
- studentname “Harmony and Nonharmonic Partials.”
- studentname “Beat Theories of Musical Consonance.”
- studentname “Tonal Consonance and Critical Bandwidtch”
- studentname “Attaining Consonance in Arbitrary Scales.”
- Student paper presentations Pitch (Scales)
- studentname:
“Interval-Class Content in Equally Tempered Pitch-Class Sets:
Common Scales Exhibit Optimum Tonal Consonance.”
- studentname:
“Local Consonance and the Relationship Between Timbre and Scale.”
- studentname:
“Theoretical and Experimental Exploration of the Bohlen–Pierce Scale.”
- studentname:
“More than Just Notes: Psychoacoustics and Composition”
- studentname “Calculation of the acoustical properties of triadic harmonies.”
- Week 10:
- Student paper presentations Bioacoustics (Animal Hearing/Perception)
- studentname:
“Bat echolocation calls facilitate social communication”
- studentname:
“Extremely high frequency sensitivity in a 'simple' ear” (Hearing in moths)
- studentname:
“Hearing in the Elephant: Absolute Sensitivity, Frequency
Discrimination, and Sound Localization”
- studentname:
“Fin Whale Sound Reception Mechanisms”
- Quiz 3: June 4 2020 (last 45 minutes)
``Music 175: Psychoacoustics''
by Tamara Smyth,
Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
Download PDF version (intro175.pdf)
Download compressed PostScript version (intro175.ps.gz)
Download PDF `4 up' version (intro175_4up.pdf)
Download compressed PostScript `4 up' version (intro175_4up.ps.gz)
Copyright © 2020-04-16 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<trsmyth@ucsd.edu>