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Miguel Zazueta, vocalist - Masters Thesis Recital

Friday, March 12th, 2021 7:00 pm

Online, YouTube

UC San Diego Music YouTube Channel

Baja Soundscape
Vocal music from composers of Baja California

Vocals: Miguel Zazueta
Piano: Kyle Adam Blair


With music that ranges between the traditional and the experimental, "Baja Soundscape" is a recital that shares with us the diverse colors and forms of the vocal music composed in the border region of Baja California. This eclectic program will be led by the vocalist, Miguel Zazueta, and Dr. Kyle Adam Blair at the piano. "Baja Soundscape" is also a tribute from Zazueta, originally from Tijuana, to his colleagues, teachers, and to the art and culture of his homeland.


Premiering on the UC San Diego Music Youtube at 7:00 p.m. PST on Friday, March 12: https://youtu.be/Tfzxs9ILAbg


"7 canciones" song cycle by Santos Cota

"Bajacalifornianos" song cycle by José Enrique González Medina / Poems by José Javier Villarreal

"Con la llave del Jardín" scene from the Opera "Los empeños de una casa" by José Enrique González Medina / based on the homonymous play by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

"Formas" by Iván Velázquez de León R. / Poem by Alejandra Pizarnik

"Cassandra" by Wilfrido Terrazas

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