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Thursday, May 18th, 2023 7:00 pm

Conrad Prebys Music Center Experimental Theater

Free. RSVP: http://music.ucsd.edu/tickets
Streaming LIVE for FREE at http://music.ucsd.edu/live

Event Program (PDF)

Space and Time is the last SElectOr concert curated by founder and creative director of the group Gabriel Zalles Ballivian. The concert is a collection of spatial music propositions by graduate students and alumni of the music department. This event will feature multichannel music performances using small and large speaker arrays, including large-scale surround sound compositions using the newly installed Meyer Sound system in CPMC122, the Experimental Theater. Composers involved include: Charles Deluga, Forestsaurus (Paul Roth/ Tornike Karchkhadze), Dante Escrofani, Douglas Osmun, and Nathaniel Haering, with technical support from Jeremy Olson.

UC San Diego SElectOr is a music collective and creative incubator which connects undergraduate and graduate students in collaborative creative endeavors focused on sound and multimedia art-making. In the past, our group as curated concerts, performed live, and developed spatial audio experiences for the web. In addition to concerts and performances, the team also submits these artworks to conferences world-wide and holds workshops open to the public. The group is intended to give graduate students mentorship opportunities as they work closely with undergraduates, alumni, staff and prospective students. It is a miniature, grassroots version of the IDEAS series by long-time UC San Diego faculty Shahrokh Yadegari. Given its unofficial capacity, the group is able to operate efficiently within and outside the confines of the university.

Gabriel Zalles Ballivian is a 5th year PhD student from UC San Diego interested in education, spatial audio, open-source software and multimedia arts. Over the last five years, Gabriel has been developing his own ambisonic arrays using low-cost components in an attempt to democratize this technology. He has also been creating musical material with open-source ambisonic tools and developing web apps that function as low-cost artistic examples of spatial music. Gabriel is originally from Bolivia but has lived and studied in the U.S. for over a decade. In such time, he received a BA from UC San Diego and an MA from NYU, both in music. His research and music have been shown worldwide in conferences such as NIME, EDAM, SMC, AES, and NYCEMF. In the past, Gabriel has also worked for Adobe, Birch Aquarium, and composer Lei Liang.

For more information see: ucsdselector.com

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