Effect of Decay Stretching on Tuning

Changing $ S$ changes the effective loop length as a function of frequency since it changes the phase delay of the overall loop.

As shown in the paper by Smith and Jaffe, for low frequencies relative to the sampling rate, we may use the approximation

$\displaystyle P_a(f,S) \approx S, \quad 0 \le S \le 1.

See this in Matlab:

S = .6;
[H, omega] = freqz([1-S S], 1);

% start at index 2 to avoid division by 0

When $ S = 1/2$, we have the basic string algorithm.

``Music 206: Introduction to Delay and Filters II'' by Tamara Smyth, Computing Science, Simon Fraser University.
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Copyright © 2019-04-18 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<trsmyth@ucsd.edu>