Multi-Tap Delay Line Example

Multi-Tapped delay lines efficiently simulate multiple echoes from the same source signal.

Figure 4: A multi-tapped delay with length $ M_3$.

In the above figure, the total delay line length is $ M_3$ samples, and the internal taps are located at delays of $ M_1$ and $ M_2$ samples, respectively.

The output signal is a linear combination of the input signal $ x(n)$, the delay-line output $ x(n-M_3)$, and the two tap signals $ x(n-M_1)$ and $ x(n-M_2)$.

The difference equation is given by

$\displaystyle y(n) = b_0x(n)+b_1x(n-M_1)+b_2x(n-M_2)+b_3x(n-M_3)

Convolution is equivalent to tapping a delay line every sample and multiplying the output of each tap by the value of the impulse response for that time.

``Music 206: Introduction to Delay and Filters II'' by Tamara Smyth, Computing Science, Simon Fraser University.
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