Sound pressure Level (SPL or $ L_p$)

Recall: intensity is proportional to pressure squared:

$\displaystyle I = p^2/(\rho c),

(where $ \rho c \approx 400$).

The sound pressure level $ L_p$ (SPL) is equivalent to sound intensity level in dB:

$\displaystyle L_p$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 10\log I/I_0$  
  $\displaystyle =$  

The product of $ \rho$ and $ c$ is often approximated by 400:

$\displaystyle =$  
  $\displaystyle =$  
  $\displaystyle =$  
  $\displaystyle =$     dB$\displaystyle .

where $ p_0 = 2\times 10^{-5}$ is the threshold of hearing for pressure variations.

``Music 175: Level'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2020-04-14 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<>