Matlab Linear Interpolation

More generally, linear interpolation is given by

$\displaystyle w(n+\eta) = (1-\eta)w(n) + (\eta)w(n+1)

where $ n$ is the integer part of the original index value, and $ \eta$ is the fractional part, indicating how far from $ n$ we want to interpolate,

$\displaystyle \eta = x-n.

Below is a Matlab function which implements linear interpolation.

function y = lininterp(w, x);
% LININTERP Linear interpolation.
%   Y = LININTERP(W, X) where Y is the output, 
%   X is the input indeces, not necessarily 
%   integers, and W is the transfer function 
%   indexed by X.

n = floor(x);
eta = x-n;
w = [w 0];
y = (1-eta).*w(n) + eta.*w(n+1);
y = y(1:length(x));

``Music 270a: Waveshaping Synthesis'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2019-03-03 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<>