Interpolation (linear)

Rather than rounding or truncating index values, it is more accurate to interpolate $ x(n)$.

Linear interpolation of $ x(y(n))$:

Example: if $ y(n)=6.5$, the inferred value would be on the line between $ x(6)$ and $ x(7)$, equidistant from indeces 6 and 7:

$\displaystyle z(6.5) = \frac{x(6) + x(7)}{2} = .5x(6) + .5x(7)

More generally, for $ y(n) = n.\eta$, where $ n$ is the integer part and $ \eta$ is the fractional part,

$\displaystyle z(n+\eta) = (1-\eta)x(n) + (\eta)x(n+1),

``Music 171: Wavetables and Samplers'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2019-10-15 by Tamara Smyth.
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