The 1-D wave equation

Taking the limit as $ \Delta x \longrightarrow 0$

$\displaystyle \lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0}\frac{\Delta \mbox{m}}{\Delta x} =
\frac{\partial \mbox{m}}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial x^2},

we obtain the one-dimensional wave equation given by

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial t^2} = c^2\frac{\partial^2 y}{\partial x^2},

where $ c = \sqrt{T/\mu}$ is the speed of wave propagation.

``Music 206: Digital Waveguides'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2019-05-01 by Tamara Smyth.
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