Two Modulators cont.

Modulation indeces are defined for each component: $ I_1$ is the index that charaterizes the spectrum produced by the first modulating oscillator, and $ I_2$ is that of the second.

The amplitude of the $ i^{th}$, $ k^{th}$ sideband ($ A_{i,k}$) is given by the product of the Bessel functions

$\displaystyle A_{i,k} = J_i(I_1)J_k(I_2).

Like in the previous case of a single modulator, when $ i$, $ k$ is odd, the Bessel functions assume the opposite sign. For example, if $ i=2$ and $ k=3^{-}$ (where the negative superscript means that $ k$ is subtracted), the amplitude is $ A_{2, 3} = -J_2(I_1)J_3(I_2)$.

In a harmonic spectrum, the net amplitude of a component at any frequency is the combination of many sidebands, where negative frequencies ``foldover'' the 0 Hz bin (Computer Music).

``Music 270a: Modulation'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2019-10-28 by Tamara Smyth.
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