Wavetable Lookup

Signal $ y(n)$, a (positive-valued) sawtooth or phasor, when multiplied by $ N-1$, produces a sequence of indeces to wavetable $ x(n)$ of length $ N$,

$\displaystyle z(n) = x((N-1)y(n)),

in an operation called wavetable lookup.


``Music 171: Wavetables and Samplers'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
Download PDF version (wavetables.pdf)
Download compressed PostScript version (wavetables.ps.gz)
Download PDF `4 up' version (wavetables_4up.pdf)
Download compressed PostScript `4 up' version (wavetables_4up.ps.gz)

Copyright © 2019-10-15 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<trsmyth@ucsd.edu>