Equation of Motion

The force on an object may be determined using Newton's second law of motion $ F = ma$.

There is an elastic force restoring the mass to its equilibrium position, given by Hooke's law $ F = -Kx$, where $ K$ is a constant describing the stiffness of the spring.

Since Newton's third law of motion states that ``for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction', these forces are equal, yielding

$\displaystyle m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = -Kx \quad \longrightarrow \quad
\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + \omega_0^2x = 0,

where $ \omega_0=\sqrt{K/m}$.

Recall that $ x=A\cos(\omega_0t + \phi)$ is a solution to this equation.

``MUS 206: Modeling Acoustic Tubes and Wind Instrument Bores/Bells'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Copyright © 2019-05-22 by Tamara Smyth.
Please email errata, comments, and suggestions to Tamara Smyth<trsmyth@ucsd.edu>