Impedance of Conical Sections

If one of the waveguide sections is a cone, then impedance is actually frequency dependent.

For spherical pressure waves in conical tubes, waves popagating away from the cone apex (denoted by the $ +$ superscript), the impedance is given by

$\displaystyle Z_n^+(r; \omega) = \frac{\rho c}{S}\frac{j\omega}{j\omega + c/r},$ (1)

where $ r$ is the distance from the observation point to the cone apex.

For spherical waves propagating toward the cone apex, the impedance is given by

$\displaystyle Z_n^-(r; \omega) = \frac{\rho c}{S}\frac{j\omega}{j\omega - c/r} = Z_n^{+*}(r; \omega).$ (2)

``MUS 206: Modeling Acoustic Tubes and Wind Instrument Bores/Bells'' by Tamara Smyth, Department of Music, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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